The start of a new year usually get folks looking back and thinking forward. I'm more of a forward thinker (that will be our next post!) but the very nature of blogging and reporting on trips requires looking back. Just as planning the next trip requires looking forward. The best part is the actual trip, when we get to live in the moment, grateful that all the research we've done has brought us to a special place and we take lots of notes and photos for a look back later!
About a year ago, Jeff and I started blogging here on our AmaPrimaRiver Cruise through central Europe and the last year has been a lot of fun; looking back- by working on posting trip reports and ship tours from years past, living in the moment- with interviews, comment pieces about current trends and news and live reports, and lastly, looking forward- with planning, packing and touring tips. We've continued to share our trip reports in many online forums, (as FamilyGoBoston), but we've enjoyed the freedom of sharing our trip reports and ideas our way on our own site during this past year.
The best part of working on building our own site has been the wonderful connections we've made. We've made social media connections with some of our favorite bloggers and sites, such as being featured on Pack for Purpose after our delivery of school supplies in St Lucia. We have also connected with people who comment and interact with us on Facebook and Twitter. And we've connected with real live new people at markets and on the streets in our travels and been able to share our posts with them later and stay in touch. Friends and readers have reached out and I love it best when someone reads something that helps them plan a great trip for themselves! Wishing you all a great year of travel and personal connections, even if it's just "virtual" and I look forward to sharing another exciting year of travel to "Go See It"!
So where in the world did we go in 2015? (click destinations to go to the link)
A "real Florida" traffic jam on the on ramp at Six Cypress Slough
January: Disney with no planning, Real Florida
Church Street, chilly and bright in February
February: Burlington, VT
A parade aboard Adventure of the Seas
A mosiac in Havana Cuba
Schoodic Point in Acadia National Park
August/September: Acadia National Park, Schoodic Peninsula Maine
October: Woodstock VT
The barefoot Baker at the Boulder Farmers Market
November: Boulder and Denver CO
A conch on Islet Pinel in St Martin
December: A Long Weekend In St Martin
In between trips, we happily shared travel and packing tips and our opinions about everything and anything travel! Thanks for following along and for sharing your travel adventures with US! We love hearing about other's travels, it's our best way to find out about where to go next!
So what is next? See our next post about where we are headed in 2016!