Each year we share where we’ve been and where we plan <hope> to go! Please share with us where YOU’VE been in 2023 and where YOU plan to go in 2024, because we love hearing about your adventures!
2023 Adventures
New River Gorge Bridge in West Virginia
Eastern US Road Trip
A road trip from MA to FL gave us a month to explore major tourist attractions. like Charleston and Walt Disney World, and out of the way places like the newer National Park in West Virginia. Click here for our trip report.
Fireworks over Magic Kingdom
Disney World
Walt Disney World is one of the MOST visited places in the US and every year gets larger and more complicated to navigate. We visited in 2023 and shared what to expect then (click here). But in less than a year later, more changes are expected. Jan 9 2023 will usher in changes such as no park reservations needed (except for annual pass holders) and more liberal Park Hopping privileges. So how do I keep up with all the changes? I’ve got a 2024 trip planned, and this year I’m relying on an expert! See below in my 2024 adventures to see how planning my trip with a friend is already easier because I’m relying on an expert Disney travel advisor: Amy Flannagan of Coasters and Castles!
Big ship or little ship? Check out our post to see when to choose what kind of ship!
Ocean Cruising
We felt comfortable returning to ocean cruising this year. We did a couple of short “tester” cruises to see what’s “new” with cruising post pandemic, and then took two longer cruises around Hawaii (see below) To see what we’ve learned click here. and here.
Volcanos National Park
Lahaina, Maui just weeks before the devastating fire that destroyed Lahaina. GSIT donated the proceeds of our recent adult education presentation about our trip to Hawaii to the American Red Cross Maui relief efforts.
Sea turtles are everywhere in Hawaii
Crown of Maine Balloon Fest
New England Adventures
Summer and Fall we explored some interesting places in Northern New England. We traveled to the Crown Of Maine for a Balloon Festival and participated in the Minis Take Vermont Rally across southern VT.
Minis Take Vermont Rally
Downtown Las Vegas
Las Vegas
We closed out our year with more ocean cruising, and a trip to Las Vegas to experience the Irish rock band, U2, in the new Las Vegas MSG Sphere. While we aren’t gamblers, we found plenty to do in Las Vegas and plan to post about that soon…in the mean time, enjoy these photos of Las Vegas’s newest attraction!

2024 Upcoming Adventures
from Antarctic Guide
A planned 2 week expedition cruise (fewer than 200 people on board) to Antarctica and South Georgia’s Island. This bucket list trip was put off because of the pandemic, and now it may be too late! An avian bird flu is limiting landings in South Georgia Island, home to huge bird colonies we hope to visit. Changes in our natural and political environments remind us that the time to take a trip is “now” and not put off you “wander” list for another day! We’ve been fortunate to work with Jay Paul Cruise Planners, who handles the details for us, making sure that this 3 segment trip comes together smoothly! Look for us to live post this trip on our Instagram page! @goseeittravel
After a week in sunny, summery Santiago, we will explore this region of southern South America located across two countries, Chile and Argentina. Likened to the landscapes of Alaska and yet utterly unique, we hope to explore glacial lakes, mountains and track native wildlife, including puma, southern condors and penguins!
Tron Roller Coaster in Magic Kingdom
Walt Disney World
So, you’ve been with the kids, and wonder, why would adults go? As I said to a friend who is joining me on this trip, “ there is nothing quite like being able to follow your own agenda, and not be at the whim of a 3 yo or 13 yo in WDW!” With many cahnges being announced to take place starting Jan 9…I’m leaving the planning to a pro; Amy Flannagan of Coasters and Castles, she’s already handling bundled tickets and reservations, and while I’m off the grid, she’ll be making sure I get my dining reservations and the other details that make planning a Walt Disney trip challenging for anyone (especially if you have a 3 yo or 13 yo!)
Planning for wildlife adventures with one of our favorite wildlife tour companies- Natural Habitat Adventures
Another bucket list wildlife trip, we will be joining Natural Habitat Adventures to explore the remote and unique island of Madagascar in Africa. The main attraction here is lemurs, but like all our wildlife adventures, we will surely be delighted and surprised by other flora and fauna too!
Linking to Madagascar, we will travel with Natural Habitat Adventures to Uganda for traditional safari in the rift valley and also spend time trekking in hopes to see gorillas and chimpanzees in their natural habitat.
2025 Looking Way Ahead
Now that travel is “back” in a big way…planning ahead and choosing the right travel advisor is critical! You can find our personal recommendations here: Click Here Any travel company or travel advisor we recommend, we have personally used or very good friends have used their services and we do not get any compensation for recommending them to you or receive free trips!
Our Cruise Planner, Jay Paul, is putting together a Europe trip for us and a group of friends we sometimes travel with. A Greek islands cruise, followed by a cruise in the Adriatic and Mediterranean to revisit some of our favorite places (Click here for our trip report)
Montenegro, with its amazing gorges, is on our itinerary in 2025
I hope you’ll share your adventures with us here and on social media! @goseeittravel We often feature GoSeeIt People interviews and are so grateful to everyone who shares their adventures with us! Where have you been?! Where are YOU going?!