2022 People were back traveling, with reports of full planes, festivals and fairs running out of parking and food, and rising prices.
2023 We can expect more travelers and crowds at popular destination, which means more than ever people need great advice to choose good destinations make their trips the best! I get my advice from great travel advisors and I use trusted travel companies to take remote of group tours. Please see our list of trusted travel specialists here.
2022 In Review
Back to travel for us in 2022! After no travel in late 2020, and traveling primarily domestically, we finally got out of the country in 2022.
January Return to Walt Disney World
Click to see our trip report! Celebrating WDW’s very extended 50th anniversary celebration
March Yellowstone in Winter
Click here to see our trip report A wintery visit to Yellowstone and Big Sky was cool in every way!
April and December New York City and Broadway
See our trip reports April here
A pair of trips to see Broadway shows…quiet in Aril, but the crowds had returned in December!
May and June Peru
See our trip report here. The Supay Cano in the remote Peruvian Upper Amazon Basin. Our first “big” international trip ended with a covid infection and 5 day quarantine in Iquitos, a market town that is a gateway to the Amazon. But the week on the Delfin 2 along the remote Amazon upper River Basin included pie eyed primates, secret ox box lakes, troops of monkeys leaping through the canopy, enormous flowers, tiny frogs and swimming with pink dolphins was memorable!
September Maine Wildlife Camp
Our Report from 2020 here and 2021 here and a gallery of our photos from 2022 below

October Quebec City
Chateau Frontenac from La Citadel, in Quebec City. An anniversary trip to Quebec City in the fall? OUI!

November Back to Ocean Cruising
It took some guts to get back on board a large cruise ship, but after contracting covid while on a small ship with just 21 passengers, I concluded, “size doesn’t matter” and with a recent “new booster” chose to take the plunge. We had a fantastic experience, re discovering our love of the open sea and adventurous ports in Caribbean Mexico.
2023 Plans
Some of our plans have been in motion for months, while others are last minute (or will be) choices. In the last 2 years so many trips were rescheduled and moved up, that we’ve decided to plan a few larger trips that depend on a lot of logistics and do some smaller explorations last minute.
Space Coast and Walt Disney World
Combining a visit with family and friends with explorations of the Space Coast and Walt Disney World in Florida. After some challenging flight schedules recently and with the difficulties of renting cars, we decided to make it a road trip rounded out with stays in Charleston SC and Pittsburg PA to explore and connect with friends and family.
Vermont Skiing and Ocean Cruising to Mexico and Grand Cayman
Hoping to chase away winter blues by “embracing” winter with a cross country ski trip to Vermont (pictured) and “escape” winter with a cruise into Mexico and Grand Cayman.
Our last foray into Polynesian landscapes and culture was in 2012, to Tahiti (and Moorea in the distance)aboard the Paul Gaugin cruise ship. Now more than 10 years later, we plan to visit Hawaii and explore under water, along the shores and up into the volcanic mountains. We will be cruising on the Uncruise expedition ship Safari Explorer (36 passengers) and crossing the Pacific to Vancouver aboard Royal Caribbean Quantum of the Seas (with over 4ooo passengers!)
Balloon Festival in Mane
A bucket list adventure! We have a weekend planned in northern Maine where we hope the weather cooperates and we can take a balloon ride and photograph mass balloons launches! (stock photography)
The Back 1/2 of 2023
(Stock image)
We are open to adventure! Our biggest adventure will exploring our LAST CONTINENT - Antarctica in early 2024! In just over a year we hope to explore Patagonia and cruise to South Georgia Island and the Antarctic peninsula.
Many more adventures to come, so long as we are blessed with good health! Thank you to our followers who have engaged with our content through the years and especially to our friends who participated in out “Go See It People” interviews. Please share where your next adventure will be!
Thank you to all our friends and readers for following along, and we wish you good health and exciting adventures in 2023!
Editor and Publisher: K Klofft
All photos: J klofft (unless noted)