I recently traveled to Paris with my 21 year old daughter. An Industrial Design major, this trip was her first trip to Paris and the last time I had been in the city, I was six months pregnant with her! We planned 3 days in the city of light, hoping to walk the city and enjoy the art museums. Instead, we encountered the city of grey. We kept putting off our walk around Invalides/Eiffel Tower and Champs Elysees Quarters for a better day. When we planned our trip we had imagined picnicking in the parks, strolling the city streets, wandering along the Seine arm and arm in the evening...ahhh...Paris. We started with the museums, to give the weather a chance to move out. But each day got progressively worse, as Pooh would say "floodier and floodier"! Every day more buckets appeared in the Metro Stations and by our third day, running out of time, we started out on our walk grumbling about the weather, with our umbrellas blowing backwards, and our slacks socked through before we made it to the Metro station. Then we passed a man sleeping in a bus shelter with nothing but a soggy sleeping bag. With just a glance at each other, we decided not to let a let rain get us down! We were in Paris!
A little (a lot!) of rain didn't discourage us from a walk through Paris...it might not have been how we imagined it, but it ended up being an unimaginably great trip!