How to celebrate 35 years of marriage? My friend Judy and her husband John decided that a romantic trip to Quebec, where Canada is also celebrating a big anniversary! This year Canada celebrates 150 years as a country, and special events are planned throughout all of 2017. Judy and Jon are an active couple, who love to exercise while they explore Here they share some excellent ideas about what to see and do in Quebec whether you are celebrating a anniversary of 35 as a couple or 150 years as a country!!- Editor, Kathy
GSIT: How did you decide on this destination? Why did you want to go?
Judy: We wanted to revisit Quebec City after 31 or so years and picked it as a
destination to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary. It was fairly easy
to get to by car and it is like visiting a little bit of "Europe".
The Chateau Frontenac looks like a medieval castle in Europe, but it's in the 150 year old country of Canada! Quebec's narrow streets also remind people of Europe!
GSIT: how did you plan your trip? Did you use a travel agent or tour?
Judy: We used the internet and found an Airbnb and places of interest. We stayed
4 nights and went on July 4th!
Judy enjoying wine at the Vignoble ste Petronille Winery
GSIT: what did you do while you were on this trip?
Judy: We walked a lot around Quebec city; we visited Montmorency Falls Park, Ile d'Orleans, Musee de la Civilasation, Vignoble ste-Petronille winery
Montmorency Falls Park
GSIT: what surprised you about this place? Is there a "don't miss it"
Judy: We loved the bike paths near the city, the wineries on the Ile d'Orleanswere beautiful and fun to visit. There is a "don't miss" restaurant-
L'Affaire est Ketchup-super casual and the food is AMAZING. Small place, have 2 seatings, they cook to order -we know because we sat at the bar which is in their kitchen-food is so delicious and the owners/waitstaff are friendly and it was the best meal we had all vacation.
GSIT: what tips would you give for someone who wants to visit? Anything special you should pack?
Judy: Make sure to use a debit card where you don't get charged fees for gettinglocal cash. I would take layers (of clothing for changeable weather). Bring good walking shoes to walk around the Old City-you can also rent bikes there. Dress is casual in most places.
GSIT: Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your trip?
Judy: We did love our Airbnb and our hostess gave us great
information and was very accessible.
JUDY is a lawyer who runs her own fitness business in suburban Boston. She's been happily married to Jon for 35 years and has three grown and flown children! Thanks for sharing your celebration trip with us!
All photos by Judy and her husband, Jon.
For more information on celebrating Canada's 150th Anniversary click here