What in the Air is Going on Here! (click here for all our tips)
My poor friend John posted a photo of himself on a cross country flight. He looked miserable...he had hoped to nap in his coach seat from Florida to Seattle, only to find he couldn't reach the window from his window seat! If you want to avoid John's fate and other horrors of flight in the 21st century...click below to read my tips for making the best of a long haul flight, starting from BEFORE you book you flight!
Checking Seat Guru before booking gave me a "choice" to upgrade my seat to a better location on a recent Aer Lingus Flight
If you have to fly coach like I usually do, you can at least be comfortable! See our tips here
Check it out, I updated this post with new details, and then tell me if you found anything to help you survive "What in the Air is Going on Here?! I'd love to hear your comments!
By: K Klofft Photos: J and K Klofft