In 2010, our family had the opportunity to go to Southern Africa on safari. Our trip was organized and planned with Travel Beyond, an expert in African safari planning.
Our 2010 trip to Zambia, see our full trip report with lots more here:
While expected to see the largest land mammals on earth, we were most surprised by a coincidence that proved, "it's a small world after all"
During our stay in Zambia, in addition to game viewing by boat, Range Rover and even elephant back, we also visited a local village that is the beneficiary of Wilderness Foundation development work. We were able to see the school they had helped build and meet the school children.
A small boy gives visitors the thumbs up in Zambia
But the "small world" part of our visit wasn't the children, but an adult! We were introduced to a shopkeeper named Junior, and we immediately noticed that he was wearing a tee shirt he purchased at the used clothing market in Livingstone that had been donated by the youth soccer program in our hometown! We recognized the logo and had enjoyed many breakfasts at the restaurant run by the sponsor! We all had a good laugh when we explained to Junior that we had come from the same place as his tee shirt!
Junior, in front of his store, wearing a tee shirt from our home town!
Junior showed us all of the projects Wilderness Wildlife Trust had helped with and we were able to meet people and enjoy an afternoon in their village!
Be sure to see the rest of our Zambia trip report, with lots more photos, click here!
And look for our upcoming trip reports for Wilderness Safaris Botswana Camps; Little Vumbura, Duma Tau, and Chitabe Lidiba.